Wherever you are in your journey, that’s where we’ll begin
At Counseling for Joy, you won’t find a canned curriculum, pages of forms to fill out, a prescription for drugs, or clichéd advice. You may bring your prior diagnosis, but we won’t stop there. Your life experiences, physiology, family, moods, thoughts and goals will be warmly included in our work.
Click on the “My approaches” tab and select “The Medical Model” from the drop down menu to see which medical diagnosis we work with. Otherwise you won’t see them on this site because we serve people and their unique problems, not labels that were created for the convenience of others.
What you’ll find in this partnership is what you bring: yourself. Together we’ll explore the concerns, the pain, and the questions that you’ve encountered along your way. My commitment is that you’ll emerge with a deeper sense of well-being, vibrant health, purpose, resolution, and joy each time you leave this place.
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
– Dr. Seuss
[column col=”1/3″] Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. – William James
The way we imagine our lives is the way we will go on living our lives. – James Hillman
[column col=”1/3″] Who loves not a false imagining, an unreal character in us; but looking through all the rubbish of our imperfections, loves in us the divine ideal of our natures–not the man that we are, but the angel that we may be. – Alfred Lord Tennyson
[column col=”1/3″] Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves. – Rainer Maria Rilke
[column col=”1/3″] It may be that when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey.The mind that is not baffled, is not employed the impeded stream is the one that sings. – Wendell Barry